Cut your JavaScript down to size…I guess? ✂️
Some musings on CJS vs ESM and how to support old code
Something something Amplify is bad
The AbortController can be flipped on its head for memoized/cached values. Learn how.
I spoke about <dialog> and inert! Watch it, plus read an addendum. 👀
You should be building objects that emit their own events in JS. Learn how!
Hidden tabs can be made to work for your users—find out how 👀
The AbortController is ostensibly for fetch, but it has some other ways we can use it too.
Using the power of JSDOM, we can avoid Jest and its legacy code completely.
It's 2022, and you can test your Node.js code without ANY dependencies 🥳
My job was Web Components! For years! Read some thoughts.
What your minifer doesn't know, might hurt you.
A pure-JS file watcher with no dependencies.
Web Components are described as re-usable. What if instead, we can dispose of them and restart whenever we like?
A brief interlude on async, Promise, and execution order.
You shouldn't block the main thread to make async methods sync... unless, hmmmm? 🤔💭
How to make your elements and subtrees inert—unclickable and unfocusable—in HTML.
Consoles present modals when they want user input, such as from the keyboard. Can we apply this to the web?
Observe DOM appearance, size and and rendering position on a page.
You have a JS-only ESM project and want TS' type-checking. Follow this easy guide.
Use a native-like event loop on the web.
Streams for bytes are rarely useful, and objectMode can be made better.
Beyond appendChild and friends
50+ web features you can use when you say 👋 to IE11 support!
Wherein I explain some concepts about how the browser treats focus inside Shadow DOM, and how you as a developer can get access to it.